What kinds of differences can GroupDocs.Comparison recognize?

I have two questions:

  1. Can you please share a list of the kinds of differences that can be found with the GroupDocs Comparison tool between two Word docs? The only things I saw on your website are differences in the content and font style, but we need a tool that can also find differences in formatting (like paragraph spacing, tabs, and alignment/indentation differences.)
  2. I tried testing the tool using your demo site here, but it’s not working for me, it just hangs indefinitely on the loading screen. Can you please show me the output of GroupDocs.Comparison for the two attached documents? Thank you!
    ACR4_E.docx (41.3 KB)
    ACR25_used in AL (modified).docx (35.4 KB)
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Are you interested in our back-end document comparison API or free web app? We’ll then assist you accordingly.

I’m interested in the back-end API, I just thought the free web app was a sort of demo for the full application.

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