Question about document comparison

I was testing your online comparison with two very simple documents, an unedited original and an edited version of the original that had one insert and one delete. These edits were made in Word with Track Changes enabled. Viewing the comparison in the browser, the comparison correctly showed the insert and delete, but it did not show who made the insert and delete. The downloaded Word document did have the history of who made the changes. Is there a way to have the history of who made the edits visible in the browser?

Thank you,


Can you please share the source and target documents with us? We’ll then further look into this scenario.

Thank you for the quick reply. I am unable upload the documents. I receive a message that the file type (docx) is not authorized…



Have a look at this screenshot.png (2.7 KB). This is what (who inserted/deleted content/style) you are looking for in the online application?

Yes, that looks like what I am looking for. When I hover over the text I do not see that. Is there something I need to do to see it?


We are investigating your scenario at our end. Your investigation ticket ID is GROUPDOCSAPP-631. As there’s any update, you’ll be notified.

It appears for a millisecond and then disappears until you hover again.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as GROUPDOCSAPP-631) have been fixed. Please use the web application again. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by atirtahir3.