Hi, I have used the MSG metadata app to adjust some parameters and it works perfectly, however when I download and save and then open the .msg in Outlook, the sender details are correct but the sender is listed as “on behalf of” which I believe may be due to sender domain details mismatch but I have tried to match everything and cannot resolve.
Could you please share the source MSG and screenshot of the issue? We couldn’t reproduce this issue using sample MSG.
Hi, I have attached a .zip copy of the .msg file and a screenshot
Rothesay_Ferry_Terminal___Wall_toe_remediation_–Monthly_Progress_Report_6–October_2024(1).zip (176.7 KB)
MonthlyProgress Report 6.JPG (71.7 KB)
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): METADATAAPP-137
I have been doing some research and wonder if it may be to do with the smpt addresses for which my account seems to have a few variations, see attached
IMG_20241216_205109.jpg (728.5 KB)
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