Mpp to xer file will not convert

I uploaded the mpp file to be able to convert to xer & when I go to press convert there is a red circle with a line through it. Unable to proceed any further or click convertmpp to xer.gif (202.8 KB)


Could you please share the problematic MPP file?

I am unable to share the .mpp file. when I click the upload file arrow after clicking “reply” I receive this message from this/webpage -->> “Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, zip, pdf, docx, 7z).” It’s an .mpp file. I am also unable to provide a link to the file to the outside from within our network.


You can compress your MPP file to a ZIP format and upload here.

SCBI Ft Pierce PCN 04 05 & 06 Baseline (44.8 KB)

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