Looking for .dxf or image/pdf text and shape reader

I have a .dxf file that is originally an image of flowchart with shapes and text. I would like to convert it to formatted text like JSON.

I have tried the .dxf file on View DXF online | Free GroupDocs Apps but it is unable to regenerate the text within the shapes. Need help on extending the existing capabilities.


Can you kindly provide the DXF file causing the issue or a sample file? We will conduct tests on our end to replicate the scenario.


Thanks for the response. Below is the .dxf file that was generated from iGrafx.

After uploading to google drive, it does appear that the .dxf is missing the text within the shapes of flowchart. Below is the .pdf file that shows the original flowchart in iGrafx

Let me know if you can work out how to convert flowchart from .dxf or .pdf into formatted text. There are other image formats that I could export from iGrafx too, so if you have any suggestions please let me know.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): VIEWERAPP-2051